Quiz: How to Find the Right Protein for Your Fitness Goals

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Guest Blogger: Julie Germaine

Happy New Year! January is always a wonderful time to hop on the fitness bandwagon and feed off the good energy surrounding you to lose those holidays pounds and start working on your summer body. This CAN be your year!

Taking a closer look at your diet is the right place to start, before you even think about picking up a new fitness routine.

Any fitness buff will be quick to offer you this reliable tip – Be sure you eat enough protein! Sound advice.

Of course, if you’re like most of us, you have a busy schedule that doesn’t allow for complicated food prep for every meal of the day, which can make it tough to consume the one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight that is recommended. This is one of the reasons that protein powder is such a popular and widely-used food product. That, and if you choose the right brand, it also tastes really delicious.

There are many different kinds of protein powder to choose from, so I wanted to help you streamline your online shopping experience with this simple, five question quiz that evaluates your fitness goals and pairs you with the best variety to achieve them.

1. My number one priority when it comes to my fitness goals right now is:

  1. To build lean muscle mass quickly.
  2. To lose body fat and get a more defined mid-section
  3. Develop optimal health
  4. To avoid rebounding to an unhealthy weight, I want to maintain healthy weight
  5. Improve mobility and fight signs of aging

2. When are you the most likely to consume your protein supplement?

  1. One hour before working out
  2. Late at night
  3. No specific time
  4. As a meal replacement
  5. With breakfast

3. Do you have allergies or food preferences to consider?

  1. None
  2. Limited artificial sweeteners
  3. No gluten
  4. No dairy
  5. No soy

4. Which of these is the most important factor when choosing your protein powder?

  1. Fast absorption
  2. Slow digesting
  3. Hypo-allergenic
  4. Feeling of satiety
  5. Full of nutrients

5. Which answer best describes your diet:

  1. Healthy and well-balanced
  2. Keto
  3. Vegetarian
  4. Vegan
  5. Protein heavy


If you answered mostly A: muscle development and weight gain:

I’d suggest whey protein as the right protein for muscle development and weight gain.

Whey protein
is inexpensive, absorbed by the body quickly and contains all essential amino acids, it is a complete protein.

If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, you will benefit from trusting the research that confirms whey’s positive effect on muscle development and recovery.

You could opt to go with either a concentrate or an isolate. Concentrated protein powders contain slightly less protein (80%, as opposed to 90% in isolates), so you are getting in 10% more carbs and fats, which can benefit your gains if used properly. You can also look into specially formulated weight gainers.

If you answered mostly B: fat loss and weight management

I’d suggest Casein protein as the right protein for fat loss and weight management.

Casein protein digests slowly, so is ideal as a bedtime meal and will keep you feeling full for hours. It is a complete protein so your body is getting the nutrients it needs to support a healthy metabolism.

If you answered mostly C: allergens are an issue

I’d suggest either of the following if allergens are an issue for your protein powder intake.

Hemp protein is a gluten-free, plant-based supplement that is not a complete protein but has the added bonus or healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Rice protein does contain all nine essential amino acids, however it is lacking somewhat in leucine, which can be topped up by making the perfect marriage and combining with pea protein.

If you answered mostly D: vegetarian or vegan

I’d suggest soy or pea as ideal protein powder options if you are vegetarian or vegan.

Soy protein is a complete protein ideal for vegetarians or vegans. As with whey, it comes in isolate or concentrate, the later often preferred for overall taste.

Pea protein is another good option for you. It is hypo-allergenic, rich in iron and also contains all nine essential amino acids.

If you answered mostly E: recovery and anti-aging

I would suggest egg-white, collagen or BCAAs for muscle recovery.

Egg white protein
, Collagen, or BCCAs (soy-free) are all fantastic for muscle recovery and bursting with all the right nutrients to fight the signs of aging and keep your body feeling great!

Please note that these suggestions are exactly that, suggestions and are for informational purposes only. Please check with your healthcare professional before starting or changing any healthcare or nutrition routine.

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Visit Julie Germaine’s website for more information on nutrition, exercise and overall health to make achieving your fitness goals possible! www.juliegermaine.com

10 Practical Tips to Stay Hydrated During Exercise and Recovery

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Guest Blogger: Julie Germaine

Note that I didn’t say, ‘Drink MORE water.”

Proper hydration is important for everyone. Did you know that your body is 60% water?

Maintaining normal water levels is key when it comes to regulating body temperature, treating or preventing infections, transporting nutrients to the cells, easing joint pain through via adequate lubrication, and even helping your organs function at their best.

Additionally, when properly hydrated, you will experience better quality sleep, a much more focused attention span, and feel better physically and sharper mentally. These benefits are available to EVERYONE when you give your body the water it needs all day long.

Tips to hydrate during exercise

  1. Plan ahead by drinking plenty of water during the hours before your workout. Remember to bring along your full water bottle so you can sip throughout your activity.

  2. Drink water during the natural breaks in the game/activity. If you’re playing football or hockey, those breaks are designed for athletes to pause and drink water.

  3. Sip to thirst during weight training sessions or during most cardiovascular activities. For endurance athletes like runners preparing for a marathon, there are many options to preplan drinking opportunities:
    1. Place your drinks along routes when you’re doing an especially long run, plan your running map so you pass convenience stores or water fountains, carry hydration packs on your back or bike, place on pool decks, or even use hand bottles.

Tips to hydrate during recovery

  1. Commit to improving your habits. Eating meals and snacking between training is necessary when your goal is to optimize recovery hydration efforts.

  2. Amazingly, some fruits and vegetables contain up to 90% of their mass as water and also contain potassium, a helpful ICF electrolyte. Also, soups have high water content and often healthy amounts of sodium.

  3. All fluids help your body stay hydrated. Many people falsely believe that water is the sole beverage that improves hydration. However, with the exception of beverages with alcohol percentage > 4%, all fluids increase total body water. Now that doesn’t give you permission to drink soda or sugary drinks all day, be reasonable and helpful to your body.

  4. More myths busted! Caffeine has been labelled a diuretic for physically active populations, but regular consumption of caffeine and exercise leads your body to become adjusted to it, and no longer will you experience a dehydrated effect from consumption.

  5. Training intensely? This may not be for the faint of heart but the high sodium content of fluids like pickle juice do reduce urine output. Maybe not the most delicious snack you’ve ever had, but this strategy might be helpful during very-intense periods of training in the heat. Of course, it is not really needed if you are eating salty food at meals during recovery.

Tips to pay attention to your hydration

  1. It is a great practice is to consume an extra 500 mL of water before bed and within 1 to 2 hours prior to exercise.

  2. Avoid engaging in exercise if you are very thirsty or have extremely dark urine.

Are you intrigued but still not sure you’re getting enough water? An excellent fitness coach can help you establish your hydration level and, if necessary, develop your individualized hydration plan. Guzzling a gallon of water before noon isn’t for everyone! Let’s get a plan together that works for you.

Visit Julie Germaine’s website for more information on nutrition, exercise and overall health to make achieving your fitness goals possible! www.juliegermaine.com

Must-Have Workout Gear for the Active Woman

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Guest Blogger: Julie Germaine

You are feeling motivated and excited to crush your fitness goals. Maybe you’ve decided to lose weight, or you have physique goals that are competition-worthy! In addition to organizing your workout program and nutrition plan, there are a few other important steps to take before you starting running, lifting, or crunching away.

Having the right exercise gear will go a long way in helping you to be successful in achieving your desired results. If you aren’t properly prepared, you risk suffering a sudden injury, or hurting your body gradually over time in a way that will impede your long-term health and overall potential.

Here are 5 tips when shopping for items that will enhance your training, protect your body, and promote an incredible outcome for your daily efforts.

1. Comfortable and breathable clothing

If you are biking or running, be sure that your leggings or pants are somewhat fitted to prevent them from snagging in your gears or getting tangled up in your feet.

If you are participating in yoga, look for fabrics that wick away sweat to maintain comfort. Those of you who are choosing weight-lifting at home or at the gym will enjoy wearing items that allow you to see your physique to check proper form in the mirror and watch for subtle changes to the muscle shape and definition as the week’s progress.

I give you permission to splurge and buy some stylish outfits that compliment your figure – you’re going to want to like the reflection you’re staring at otherwise exercising will be a nuisance.

2. Footwear specialized for your activity

Beyond fashion, there are sport-specific reasons for the variety of sports shoes on the market. Then, within each brand, there are differences in fit, stability, materials, price, fame and style. If you’re getting started in a new activity, I’d suggest you get the proper shoe for that sport.

Take advantage of the in-store (I am writing this during the pandemic, so regional differences may/may not allow in-store shopping) sales assistants and their knowledge about the shoes, different brands and sport-specific features. Chatting with knowledgeable staff will direct you toward the right style for your chosen activity. For example, you may not realise as a runner you need to have more than just impact protection for your feet. As someone doing weight training, you may not realise a plush shoe is not stable or supportive enough for that sport.

Trying on different brands is also a great way to learn the right width and arch support your feet need. Go with what feels right.

3. Ripped abs are sexy, ripped hands, not so much

Get yourself a quality pair of workout gloves to prevent ugly and painful calluses from forming. This goes for weight training (even with home equipment), working out outside, biking riding or spin class – anything that requires grip will be easier if you have gloves on from the beginning. 

4. Supportive sports bras are a necessity

You want to be comfortable and secure throughout a variety of movements, so try on different styles of tops and bras, and don’t forget to do some squatting and jumping in the change room to test them. Generally, if you are unsure, opt for the sports bras suitable for running as these tend to provide the most support.

5. Reusable water bottle

Drinking plenty of water each day is recommended for everyone, especially those who engage in physical activity. Do not skip this. You need water before, during and after your workout even if you are not dripping with sweat. Help your body perform, be sure to stay hydrated. There are even some new brands of reusable water bottles that track your daily intake and remind you via an app when you should be refilling! There is no excuse not to be properly hydrated.

 Did I miss any tips? Let me know and tell me what your favourite brands are for your sports gear. Regardless of what brand you use, it is key to keep going consistently. Just get out there and get a workout in!

Visit Julie Germaine’s website for more information on nutrition, exercise and overall health to make achieving your fitness goals possible! www.juliegermaine.com

How to Make the Best Chocolate Protein Balls

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By Guest Writer Julie Germaine

Grab one of these when cravings strike – some would call them chocolate cookies!

Protein balls, or energy balls as some people call them are little snack-sized balls of goodness. When you make them yourself, you can be sure they are free from additives or sweeteners and are totally raw. What this means is that the enzymes and nutrients that are in the ingredients are not affected by the heat of cooking, therefor provide your body with a natural source of energy.

You can eat them pre-workout, after your workout, between meals and at anytime you are feeling the craving for something sweet and “bad for you”. Instead, reach for these protein balls and satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free. Kids like them, adults like them and athletes – always on the hunt for the next ‘great-tasting’ and ‘good-for-you’ snack like them. They are a winning combination all round. Try them out and let me know how you like them.

Chocolate Protein Balls


1 cup powdered peanut butter

1 cup chocolate protein powder

½ cup no sugar added maple syrup

¾ cup large flake oats

½ tablespoon liquified coconut oil

1 ½ tablespoons cocoa powder

½ teaspoon low-carb sweetener (optional)


  1. Mix together peanut butter, protein powder, syrup, and oats. Using a wax-paper-lined cooking sheet, drop by spoonful to form lumpy balls.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients and pour over each ball.
  3. Freeze pan for half an hour, then either eat immediately or store for later use in a freezer-friendly container.

Pro Tip: Enjoy these guilt free, please! Dark chocolate is good for you in moderation, and allowing yourself to savour a sweet snack will help you stick to your diet and avoid binging.

Learn more about Julie Germaine and her insight on healthy, simple recipes that make achieving your fitness goals possible.

My Fav (and soon to be your fav) Protein Pancake Recipe

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By Guest Writer Julie Germaine

What is it about pancakes? They can be a treat, they can be a weekend breakfast favourite, and they are almost always on the list of comfort food.

If you like or love pancakes but have been avoiding them because you are working on eating healthy and clean, I have some great news for you – we’ve got “healthy” pancakes for you. These are good for you and guilt free, plus we’ve figured out a way to add in a serving of protein powder to the batch. Make these and enjoy.

If you are one of my online coaching clients, you likely already have this recipe! It has been my go-to for many, many years, and I can eat it hot, cold, plain or drizzled with sugar-free syrup – it’s simply so satisfying!

2/3 cup egg whites

1 serving protein powder of choice

1/2 cup  oats

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½ to 1 banana ripe, sliced

1 cup blueberries fresh or frozen (optional)

Coconut oil cooking spray

1-2 tablespoons sugar-free syrup (optional)

  1. Mix up the first 5 ingredients and cook mixture over medium heat in a non-stick pay (lightly sprayed). I prefer to use a small pan and cook each pancake individually so they take nice shape.
  2. When bubbles form, spread banana slices and blueberries evenly into it and cook another minute before flipping once.
  3. Cook another 5ish minutes and you’re done! The recipe may make a few pancakes, depending upon the size of your pan. Enjoy!

Pro Tip: I have vegan and no-carb protein pancake versions available on my website, for those eating keto or watching their sugar intake. These other variations are also optimal as nighttime snacks, or as a great travel meal.  

Learn more about Julie Germaine and her insight on healthy, simple recipes that make achieving your fitness goals possible.

How to Make the Power-Packed Cottage Cheese Bowl

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By Guest Writer Julie Germaine

In our constant search for good food choices that are also interesting and easy to make, simple recipes like these are a lifesaver. Once introduced to them, you can make them your own. If you don’t like typical cottage cheese, look in your grocery store for “dry” cottage cheese. It typically comes in a sealed package, as opposed to a tub, and may be an entirely different experience to eat.

There are many people who can’t stand cottage cheese, but once they try “dry” cottage cheese, they change their minds. Its all about personal preference. Keep on the lookout for new types of foods, new twists on old favourites and don’t be scared to try foods as an adult that you hated as a kid. Our tastes change!

This meal for one takes just a few minutes to prep, so it’s perfect for breakfast or as a fast snack anytime. Pairing nutritious fruits with low-fat cottage cheese creates a protein-rich and energy-boosting meal that will motivate you to get up and start the day early, or can be used as a quick snack anytime. You can add variety by alternating the protein powder flavour, choosing different fruits, or even including nuts to boost your intake of required healthy fats. The options are endless and it is truly a meal I never tire of.

Power-Packed Cottage Cheese Bowl

½ cup frozen strawberries

½ cup non-fat dry curd cottage cheese

1 tablespoon natural peanut butter

5 fresh raspberries

1 scoop protein powder (chocolate is my preferred!)

½ banana (optional), sliced

1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)

  1. Microwave the frozen strawberries for 60-90 secs
  2. Mix together the remaining ingredients. You may need to add some cold water to dissolve the protein powder.
  3. Finish it off with nuts and sliced bananas if you are allowing for the extra calories and enjoy!

Pro Tip: Because your body processes cottage cheese very slowly, consuming this meal before bedtime is also suitable if you are bulking. I always recommend eating some kind of protein-dense meal in the evening, so your body has what it needs to recover during your sleep.

Learn more about Julie Germaine and her insight on healthy, simple recipes that make achieving your fitness goals possible.

Really Delicious Recipes That Include Protein Powder

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By Guest Writer Julie Germaine

Hey, fellow survivor! This year has been a TRIP! I am pretty proud of myself for turning my quarantine into a useful time and working on things that were so low on my list of priorities that they forever went unchecked, like putting more effort into my meal prep.

Of course, I always eat healthy, pre-prepared dishes that I enjoy, but would I serve them to a guest? Umm…. noooo. They are pretty plain.

However, this year that has changed. I have developed a whole list of amazing, diet-friendly meals, including some tasty treats that I’ve included the recipes for in this article.

Getting enough protein is such an important part of a healthy diet, and will decide your results when it comes to losing weight or building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

These creative recipes all use protein powder to boost your overall daily intake (super important!) and show you that this product doesn’t only have to be used shaken & stirred.

Power-Packed Cottage Cheese Bowl

This meal for one takes just a few minutes to prep, so it’s perfect for breakfast or as a fast snack mid-day! Pairing nutritious fruits with low-fat cottage cheese creates a protein-rich and energy-boosting meal that will motivate you to get up and start the day early. You can add variety by alternating the protein powder flavour, tossing in different fruits, or even including nuts to boost your intake of required healthy fats. The options are endless and it is truly a meal I never tire of.

½ cup Frozen strawberries

½ cup non-fat dry curd cottage cheese

1 tablespoon natural peanut butter

5 fresh raspberries

1 scoop protein powder (chocolate is my preferred!)

½ banana (optional), sliced

1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)

  1. Microwave the frozen strawberries for 60-90 secs
  2. Mix together the remaining ingredients. You may need to add some cold water to dissolve the protein powder.
  3. Finish it off with nuts and sliced bananas if you are allow for the extra calories and enjoy!

Pro Tip: Because your body processes cottage cheese very slowly, consuming this meal before bedtime is also suitable if you are bulking. I always recommend eating some kind of protein-dense meal in the evening, so your body has what it needs to recover during your sleep.

My Fav Protein Pancake Recipe

If you are one of my online coaching clients, you likely already have this recipe! It has been my go-to for many, many years, and I can eat it hot, cold, plain or drizzled with sugar-free syrup – it’s simply so satisfying!

2/3 cup egg whites

1 serving protein powder of choice

1/2 cup  oats

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½ to 1 banana ripe, sliced

1 cup blueberries fresh or frozen (optional)

Coconut oil cooking spray

1-2 tablespoons sugar-free syrup (optional)

  1. Mix up the first 5 ingredients and cook mixture over medium heat in a non-stick pay (lightly sprayed). I prefer to use a small pan and cook each pancake individually so they take nice shape.
  2. When bubbles form, spread banana slices and blueberries evenly into it and cook another minute before flipping once.
  3. Cook another 5ish minutes and you’re done! The recipe may make a few pancakes, depending upon the size of your pan. Enjoy!

Pro Tip: I have vegan and no-carb protein pancake versions available on my website, for those eating keto or watching their sugar intake. These other variations are also optimal as nighttime snacks, or as a great travel meal.  

Chocolate Protein Balls

Grab one of these when cravings strike – some would call them chocolate cookies!

1 cup powdered peanut butter

1 cup chocolate protein powder

½ cup no sugar added maple syrup

¾ cup large flake oats

½ tablespoon liquified coconut oil

1 ½ tablespoons cocoa powder

½ teaspoon low-carb sweetener (optional)

  1. Mix together peanut butter, protein powder, syrup, and oats. Using a wax-paper-lined cooking sheet, drop by spoonful to form lumpy balls.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients and pour over each ball.
  3. Freeze pan for half an hour, then either eat immediately or store for later use in a freezer-friendly container.

Pro Tip: Enjoy these guilt free, please! Dark chocolate is good for you in moderation, and allowing yourself to savour a sweet snack will help you stick to your diet and avoid binging.

Learn more about Julie Germaine and her insight on healthy, simple recipes that make achieving your fitness goals possible.